We are a campaign group of trade unions that represent many thousands of workers in the civil nuclear sector.

We unite around a single aim: the wellbeing of the nuclear industry and its employees.

To achieve our goal we work with the industry and politicians of all parties to ensure there is a contribution from nuclear in a low carbon balanced energy mix.

Why Nuclear?

Nuclear energy is a one of the most reliable sources of low carbon energy helping to reach the UK’s ambitious net zero targets.

Economic benefits

Investing in nuclear energy projects helps unlock new jobs for 1,000s of individuals across the UK.

64,000 direct jobs
£6.1 billion value added
£4.5 billion in taxes per year.


Nuclear has the lowest lifecycle carbon, land use, and metal use of all electricity generation technologies. Only sector that tracks, makes safe and for new build, pays for its own waste.

Energy security

Homegrown nuclear energy can help to protect the country from price volatility from international energy exports.

Our Campaigns

TUSNE campaigns on behalf of its members prioritising our activities to ensure we create the biggest impact on what it considers the most important issues relevant to the nuclear industry.

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